Flower Shop for sale
Asking Price: USD
Business Location: |
U.S.A » California » South Bay & Long Beach |
Category: |
Retail » Florists |
Description: |
30 years Established, Highly profitable Flower shop in Long Beach surrounded by 4 large mortuaries. About 35% in cash sales and 15% in wire service. The rent is only $2,700 for a 3,000 square feet. This flower shop is employee run and located in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood. |
Financial Information: |
Annual gross sales: (USD) |
N/A |
Yearly Revenue: (USD)
Total yearly sales revenue |
N/A |
Net Profit: (USD)
Total profit before taxes |
50000 |
General Information: |
Business Area: |
Long Beach, predominantly Hispanic neighborhood |
Year Established: |
1977 |
Is Relocatable?:
No |
Business closed or an asset sale : |
No |
Is Home based business?: |
No |
Real estate status: |
No |